With PhytoLight Make Every Patient a
Perfect Hygiene Patient
FDA Registered
Benefits of the PhytoLight System:
clinically proven as an effective antimicrobial with a proven safety profile > targets the harmful oral biome while leaving the healthy biome intact
prevention of calculus (tartar) formation on the tooth surfaces > disrupts biofilm, preventing the development of calculus
improved practice workflow and decreased follow-up > reduces the need for lengthy follow-up and frequent hygiene interventions
high compliance through easy at-home treatment > simple, one minute at-home daily treatment with clinic/home compliance monitoring
How it Works
PhytoLight targets and kills bacteria exactly where you want, leaving a healthy biome.
We use botanical science and visible light to prevent calculus (also known as tartar) build up,
eliminate bad breath, and prevent the appearance of white spot lesions.
One minute at home treatment makes it perfect for every patient.
Fast and convenient at home treatment for improved patient compliance and better oral hygiene.
PhytoLight is clinically proven by The Forsyth Institute to disrupt the build-up of calculus
resulting in improved oral hygiene and cleaner, healthier teeth and gums.
Less focus on hygiene, more focus on
dental outcomes.
Review our clinical results here
How it's Used
Your patients use PhytoLight at home daily for only one minute.
Initial Setup
Step 1
Align tabs, and place tray on PhytoLight Device. Secure the lip of the silicone tray over the upper and lower edge
of the device.
Step 2
Place the PhytoLight Device on Charging Base and plug in the AC/DC Adapter.
Step 3
Download the PhytoLight app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, and set up your account. Connect the PhytoLight Device to your phone’s Bluetooth.
Daily Treatment
Step 1
Load top and bottom of tray with PhytoLight Foam. Fill Foam to level indicated, do not overfill.
Step 2
Insert into your mouth and activate the PhytoLight Device (side blue button).
Step 3
Wait until all 3 indicator lights are solid, followed by light sequence. Your one minute treatment is now complete.
Step 4
Remove PhytoLight Device from mouth and rinse under tap.
Step 5
Return PhytoLight Device to Charging Base.
With PhytoLight Make Every Patient a Perfect Hygiene Patient
Features - Device and Mobile Application
Foam Active
The botanically derived active is formulated into a foam for easy loading of the upper and lower tray. Simple clean up under the faucet when treatment is complete.
Indicator Lights
The lights countdown the one minute treatment, so patients know when they are finished.
Activation Lights
Blue LEDs in the visible light spectrum are designed to efficiently and safely activate the foam in only one minute.
Charging Base
The dock provides a home for the foam and convenient charging for the PhytoLight Device between treatments.
Soft Silicone Tray
The tray is comfortable for all mouth sizes and easy to remove and replace.
Mobile Application
The PhytoLight app lets your patients set reminders and you monitor their compliance, creating the perfect hygiene patients.